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Taglioline with courgette flowers

Taglioline with courgette flowers

Medium difficulty – Ready in 40 min.
Serves 6 people
For the pasta: 400 g of puff flour | 4 eggs
For the dressing: 20 courgette flowers | A clove of garlic | A teaspoon of chopped onion | 150 g of butter | A spoonful of chopped parsley | Extra virgin olive oil to taste | Salt and Pepper To Taste.
What we need: Pastry board, rolling pin, pot, pan.

1. For the pasta, mix the flour with the eggs. We pull the dough very thin with a rolling pin, roll it up and then cut it with a knife to obtain thin strips of dough and shape the tagliolini. Let’s wrap them in a nest and let them dry before cooking them.

2. For the dressing, we clean the courgette flowers by separating the stems and pistils from the corollas. We put the first in a pan with salted water and bring to a boil. Then, turn off the fire, filter the water and put it aside.

3. In a pan, fry the garlic and chopped onion in butter and a drizzle of oil. Add the courgette flowers cut into strips, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with a little water kept aside. We combine the chopped parsley and cook until the flowers are crisp.

4. We cook the tagliolini in the cooking water of the courgette flowers, corrected with salt, if necessary. Drain them al dente and sauté them in a pan with the sauce.

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