Difficulty: Low – Preparation: 15 min – Cooking: 45 min
Serves 8
8 breast artichokes | 250 g of meat of ground beef | 50 g of raw ham | 150 g of tomatoes peeled | A clove of garlic |A tuft of parsley | 2 tablespoons of parmesan grated | A slice of bread | Milk to taste | Mentuccia to taste | Breadcrumbs to taste | Salt and black pepper to taste | Extra virgin olive oil to taste
1. With the crescent we chop the mint, garlic and parsley. A small part of this mince let’s put it in the pot in which we will cook i artichokes, add a base of oil and the tomato and we start cooking.
2. Let’s soak the bread in the milk. In a bowl, we knead the remaining chopped parsley with the meat. Season with the parmesan, salt and pepper and chopped raw ham knife. We also combine the squeezed bread and we work the filling with our hands.
3. We remove the leaves from the artichokes external, harder, we cut with the knife the top and we eliminate the stems. If present, we eliminate the inner beard and widen them with your hands, to facilitate the filling.
4. Fill the artichokes with the mince of meat and parsley and arrange them in the pot, all close. We complete with a dusting of breadcrumbs, cover and cook for 40 minutes on low heat. Self the bottom should dry out, let’s pour hot water.
5. After the expected cooking time, we verify that the artichokes they are soft and, therefore, cooked. We put in the plate still hot, sprinkling them with their cooking base.