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Cucinare Italy - Lasagna with artichokes ham and cheeses

Lasagna with artichokes, ham and cheeses

Medium difficulty – Preparation 20 minutes – Cooking 35 minutes
Ingredients for 4 people
200 g of fresh egg lasagna | 6 artichokes | 150 g of prosciutto | 150 g of provola | 200 g cottage cheese | Nutmeg, to taste | 40 g of butter | A lemon | 100 g of parmesan | Salt and pepper, to taste | Extra virgin olive oil, to taste

1. We clean the artichokes, depriving them of part of the stems, of the outer leaves more hard and spikes. Let’s divide them in half and with a scoop we remove the hay. Slice them and dip them in water
cold with lemon juice for not make them black. We drain and cook steamed for 10 minutes, until they are cute.

2. We roughly chop the ham and provola and mix them with ricotta and a pinch of walnut
nutmeg. Let’s keep it aside.

3. We burn the lasagna in boiling water savory in which we will have added two spoons of oil, drain and spread them on a tea towel. Imburriamo a baking dish and spread a first layer of lasagna.

4. We spread over a layer of cream cheese and ham and, a follow, one of artichokes. We go up, we pepper and continue like this until exhaustion of the ingredients.

5. We complete with the remaining butter a flakes and sprinkle with parmesan grated. We bake the lasagna at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then we raise the temperature to 250 degrees and we leave au gratin for about 10 minutes.

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