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Cucinare Italy - rombo to the puttanesca

Rombo to the puttanesca

Difficulty: LowPreparation: 20 min – Cooking: 10 min
Serves 2
A Rombo of 800 g | 8 desalted capers | 2 cloves of garlic | 10 green olives | 200 g of sauce of tomato | 200 g of tomatoes fresh |Parsley to taste | Oregano to taste | Extra virgin olive oil
olive oil to taste | 5 g of salt | 2 g of sugar

1. We peel the fresh tomatoes, cut them in the middle and we eliminate the gelatinous part containing the seeds. Place them in a saucepan with the sauce tomato, a veil of extra virgin olive oil and two cloves of garlic. We cook for a few minutes.

2. We flavor the sauce by adding capers, olives and salt. For balance the acidity of the tomato, we add
even a pinch of sugar. We mix everything and leave cook until the sauce reaches the desired density.

3. We eliminate the entrails of rumble, fillet it and peel it: we put a sharp knife between the pulp and the skin and then, holding stop the latter with your fingers, let’s do move the blade forward grazing, proceeding wisely.

4. Wash the fillets and cut them in chunks. About three minutes before the sauce is ready, let’s perfume it with oregano at will, add the fish, mix and bake. We sprinkle with parsley and we serve.

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