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Cucinare Italy - surmullets at Livornese

Surmullets at Livornese

Difficulty: Low Preparation: 10 min – Cooking: 30 min
Serves 4
8 small red mullets 150-200 g each | 400 g of sauce of tomato | Two cloves of garlic | Parsley to taste | Extra virgin olive oil olive oil to taste | Pepper to taste | Salt to taste.

1. Clean the mullet: deprive them of entrails and scales. Let’s wash them under the spray of cold water, lingering in especially in the belly area. We check carefully that we have eliminated all the scales.

2. Let the red mullets on a plate covered with kitchen paper and dry them well. In a low and wide saucepan (or in one non-stick pan) we put three spoons of extra virgin olive oil.

3. Peel the garlic cloves and finely chop them. If not we love the strong taste of garlic, we can leave the whole segments and take them out just before you bring them the dish on the table. We put the pan on medium-low heat and heat the oil with garlic and the chili.

4. Let’s lightly brown, then add the tomato sauce. Let it cook without lid, for about 15 minutes, in so that the sauce shrinks well.

5. We join the red mullets, salt them, and let them flavor for one ten minutes. Let’s just turn them over when little is missing at the end of cooking. Let’s do this very carefully, why the meat of the red mullet is delicate and tends to be easily ruined.

6.Transfer to a dish brought the fish with the sauce, sprinkle with parsley chopped fresh, ground pepper and bring to the table.

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