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Cucinare Italy - Zucchini parmigiane

Zucchini parmigiane

Low difficulty – Preparation 10 min. – Cooking 50 min
Serves 6
8 courgettes | 2 mozzarella | Extra virgin olive oil, to taste
For breading: 200 g of breadcrumbs whole wheat | Oregano, to taste | 200 g of corn flour foil
For the sauce: An onion | 700 g of tomatoes (or tomato sauce) | Extra virgin olive oil,to taste | Salt and Pepper, to taste.

1.Prepare a tomato sauce in the classic way. We cut finely onion, brown it in the oil, add the tomatoes to pieces (or the pass), we set of salt and pepper and cook.

2. We wash the courgettes, wash them and slice them in the sense of the length, so as to obtain about half thick slices centimeter. Place them in the steamer and cook them for approx ten minutes.

3. Mix the in a bowl breadcrumbs and cornmeal. We flavor with oregano. Let’s zucchini in this breading.
Thanks to the humidity of the cooking at steam, you will not need to use the egg to bread them.

4. To make them tastier e crispy, we arrange the slices zucchini breaded in a pan lined with parchment paper and bake them for about ten minutes, at 180 degrees, adding a drizzle of oil extra virgin.

5. Cut the mozzarella into slices and proceed to the composition of our parmesan. We have on the bottom of the dish lightly greased a first layer of breaded courgettes. We cover with tomato sauce.

6. Let’s start with the slices of mozzarella and we cover with others zucchini. We continue second this order to create another layer and finish with the sauce. We bake the parmigiana at 160 degrees for about 20 minutes.

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